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Our Story

During the Covid-19 outbreak, I found myself with a lot of spare time. I have spent my entire working life in the construction industry, building all manner of houses, apartment buildings and care facilities. So in this time, I started thinking about the reoccurring mistakes and issues I had experienced and what could be done better.

I thought about the many crisis moments, disasters, issues, problems and headaches I have both enjoyed and endured through the years and one common theme struck me. So many were avoidable. And so many linked back to poor planning and coordination.


This isn't necessarily a short coming of any one party. More how the 'flow' of information and services typically unfolds in construction. Designers normally haven't experienced many of the headaches and difficulties on the ground to apply such knowledge to their designs. The delivery teams who have that knowledge, normally don't see the drawings until they are on site, by which point, changes and corrections are costly.

So why not have a construction expert look at the drawings up front!? That is where Plan Snags can help. The cost of changing a drawing or specification up front, before work starts, is minimal. Whereas making changes mid-work, when materials are ordered and works are commenced causes panic, stress, delays, wastage, damage to reputations and damage to the end product when costs can, and often do, spiral.

Getting things right up front is not a new concept. Just one the industry fails at, time and time again. We aim to make that right and save everyone time and money in the process, if that sounds good to you, let's connect and make great projects happen.


Tel: 07955 757656

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