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Developers and Social Housing Providers

If you find yourselves continually paying for the architects and contractor's mistakes, it's likely because something in the specification and design was lacking in robustness.

D+B Contracts may be designed with pushing responsibilities onto the contractor, but they are failing. Designers put less and less in the tender information as it is the contractors responsibility. Then the first thing a contractor does when any issue crops up, is divert all resources into pinning it back on the client.

Every such mistake wastes resource for everyone. Costing time, money and really damaging quality.

With decades of experience working for a main contractor, rectifying design and specification mistakes, often at the client's expense, we are positioned to offer incredible value in closing loopholes to those parties. Helping give projects greater cost and duration certainty.


What client doesn't want a project of higher quality, with less extras and fewer delays?? We come in at the front end to close those loopholes and set projects off on the right foot.

If this sounds like something you would like to achieve. Connect with us below


Tel: 07955 757656

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