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How many times have you experienced the delivery team getting hold of a set of drawings and finding fault, or things that either don't work or would rather change?

Now if this happened early on, it might be annoying. But likely very manageable. But when it consistently happens once the project is on site, any issue immediately costs time and money.

Doesn't this seem a backward way of doing things? A glitch, or fault in the system? We think so. We certainly think it can be improved. And that's where Plan Snags come in. We bring decades of construction management knowledge, amassed through dozens of projects, to the beginning of the design process. When changes cost pennies and pass without drama, getting ahead of the game rather than constantly fighting on the back foot. Sound good? We certainly think so, it's why we exist, to make the whole process better for everyone.


Tel: 07955 757656

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